When it comes to reading CBD labels it can be confusing to know how much CBD you are receiving with every dose. So we are here to help make it a bit easier to understand!
Dosage for Tinctures:
Most CBD labels such as our own read 1000mg on the front of the bottle, this can be have you under the impression that each dose you take will include 1000mg. But the number on the front of the bottle reflects the total amount of CBD Oil in whole. Each bottle contains 30 servings which means with each 1ml dose, you will receive 33mg of CBD per dose!
The recommended max amount per day is 1 full dropper twice daily. All effects are amplified with higher doses and dulled at lower levels. You are more than welcome to up your dosage whenever you feel ready. Every individual’s tolerance varies so we recommend starting at a mid-level dose and adjusting as need.
If you feel as if you would like further information on how much CBD is right for your body we recommend seeing a medical professional.
Dosage for Soft Gels:
Each Full Spectrum Soft gel contains 10 mg of of CBD. We recommend starting out with one Capsule per day, and adjust your serving when you have a better understanding for how your body reacts to CBD. Better to start with a small amount and work your way up!
It is recommended to take a max of two CBD Capsules per dosage, twice a day. Once in morning once in the evening!