When deciding which Nectar Stick CBD product is right for you, it is important to determine whether your product is made with full-spectrum or broad-spectrum CBD. Both types are derived from legal hemp, but vary slightly in efficacy.
What is Full Spectrum?
The most pure, unprocessed, and unfiltered hemp extract. It contains THC and all of the hemp plant’s beneficial nutrients, such as cannabinoids, terpenes, and essential oils.
The THC levels in full spectrum CBD will always be under .3%, which is too small of an amount to invoke a ‘high’ feeling.
Full spectrum CBD features the ‘entourage effect’.
What is Broad Spectrum?
Broad spectrum begins as a full spectrum extract with all hemp terpenes and cannabinoids intact. It is then sent through a refinement process where they remove the THC compounds. Broad Spectrum has the same qualities as full spectrum but has no risk of the psychoactive affect of feeling ‘high’.
This product features the ‘entourage effect’ just as Full Spectrum does, even though there are no components of THC.
Which one should you choose?
When choosing your CBD, it is important to note that both products produce similar benefits. It comes down to whether you would prefer to have THC included in your dose, or not!
Nectar Stick Farms
All of our CBD products are derived from hemp plants in southern Oregon. We make sure he use the highest quality plants, so you can receive a high quality dose every time.